Setting up on a Cluster

Learn how to transition from running one of the 2D Workstation Examples to running on a Cluster.

Note that to continue, SeisFlows will need to have a module supporting your HPC. You can check supported systems from the output of:

seisflows print modules

If you do not find your System supported, have a look at Extending SeisFlows to support it.


This docs page assumes that you were able to succesfully install SeisFlows and SPECFEM2D on your cluster. See the installation guide for instructions to install SeisFlows.


TestFlow is a SeisFlows ‘Workflow’ that ensures SeisFlows can properly interact with a given workload manager.

Within a TestFlow workflow, SeisFlows submits 1-core test jobs to the system, checking that it can: 1) submit array and single jobs, 2) monitor the job queue, 3) catch job failures.

This is preferable to trial-and-error testing with simulation jobs, which may be restricted by job priortiy, queue time, or allocation. To run TestFlow on your System:

cd <path to working directory>  # empty directory on System

# Generate a template parameter file
seisflows setup -f

# Set appropriate modules
seisflows par workflow test_flow
seisflows par system <name of your system>
seisflows par solver null
seisflows par preprocess null
seisflows par optimize null

# Dynamically fill out the parameter file
seisflows configure

TestFlow does not require any input parameters, but Users are responsible for filling out the System parameters correctly in the parameters.yaml file.

You can check your parameter file validity with:

seisflows check

To submit TestFlow to your system, run the following:

seisflows submit

Monitor the main job log file (sflog.txt) to determine whether TestFlow is running as expected. Errors in the parameter file or encountered during TestFlow need to be addressed by the User. Individual job log files can be found in logs/*.

Due to the difficult nature of anticipating all quirks of a given compute system, Users running on un-tested systems may encounter errors while running TestFlow. Please feel free to open a GitHub Issue if you cannot succesfully run TestFlow.

Example Setup

To get a 2D example running on our system, we will run an example setup on the cluster’s login node to establish a valid parameter file and working directory.

cd <path to working directory>  # empty directory
seisflows examples setup 2 -r <path to specfem2d repository>

Succesfuly completion of the example setup will provide you with a parameter file and a SPECFEM2D working directory.

Module ‘swap’

The current example is set up to run on a Workstation. We will need to ‘swap’ out the System module for a cluster-specific system interface.

To see the command line structure and help message for the ‘swap’ command:

seisflows swap -h

The ‘swap’ command replaces variables for a given module without affecting the remainder of the parameter file.

seisflows swap system <name of your system>

Note that valid system names can be learned with seisflows print modules. Users should have a valid set of System parameters from running TestFlow in the previous section.

’Check’ing parameter validity

The ‘swap’ command will have set a number of default options for system-related parameters in your parameter file.

It is up to the User to set correct values for these parameters by reading the related docstrings and selecting valid options.


Example: some systems require a partition parameter, which tells SeisFlows where to submit simulation jobs. Users should know which partition they want to submit their jobs, based on the size of the simulations and available cores per node.

Once you have set your parameter file, you should run the ‘check’ command to see if the internal check functions still pass.

seisflows check

Submitting the main job to system

Once seisflows check returns without Error, Users should be able to submit their job to system.

seisflows submit

Users can monitor the job status by watching sflog.txt. Individual simulation jobs will also write log files to logs/*. File ids will match the corresponding job number.

Pivoting to Research Problems

Succesful completion of the SPECFEM2D example on your system means you will now have a valid parameter file and working directory structure.

Pivoting to larger scale research problems will involve Users providing their own models (2D or 3D) and parameters to SeisFlows.

Let’s say you want to now run a large-scale synthetic inversion for two 3D velocity models.A general list of steps to take:

  1. manually generate your 3D starting and target models. model your specfem3d_workdir structure off the example 2D working directory

  2. swap out SPECFEM2D SeisFlows parameters for 3D

    seisflows swap solver specfem3d
  3. Fill out the required SPECFEM3D parameters that have now been swapped

  4. Run SeisFlows with your existing parameter file

    seisflows submit