Code Development Plan

Based on the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) Software Development Best Practices we propose the following (yearly updated) Code Development Plan (CDP) which lays out prioritization of new features and estimated timetables for their implementation.

A short- and long-term to-do list for SeisFlows3 development. This is a community document meant to highlight what the SeisFlows3 developers deem as priorities for the package, allowing community members to target their contributions more effectively.

CDP v2.0

[Last updated Apr. 18, 2022] This CDP outlined the goals for 4/2022–1/2023

Short-Term Priorities [1–2 months]

  • Implement package-wide unit testing using PyTest

  • Comprehensive docs page with examples and tutorials

  • Pre-commit framework (Flake8, Black, pre-commit, codecoverage)

  • Travis Continuous Integration

  • Code version citation (Zenodo)

  • FAQs and user knowledge base

  • Package manager install using Pip

Medium-Term Objectives [3–6 months]

  • Migrate stable release to org page

  • Seisflows-super system class for:
    • Oakforest-PACS (JCAHPC)

    • TACC Frontera

  • Various SPECFEM2D and SPECFEM3D example problems following legacy example problems

Long-Term Goals [> 6 months]

  • Tested system classes for PBS and LSF HPC workload managers

  • Guided tutorials for running inversions on HPC systems

  • Community discussion forum (e.g., Gitter, Google groups)

  • Visualization capabilities (internal or external) for models, kernels, gradients

CDP v1.0

[Last updated Nov. 18, 2021] This CDP outlined the goals for 11/2021–11/2022

The following plan sets the roadmap for the one year mark (11/22). The main objective for this dev plan is a stable release of SeisFlows3, featuring a comprehensive documentation page, extensive unit and integration testing, and usable working examples for new users.

Expected difficulty (i.e., easy, medium, hard) of each problem is provided in bracketed terms, e.g., [easy]. This difficulty is subjective and based on required Python/coding experience, package familiarity, and time required. Tasks are also categorized, e.g., (general), when possible.

  • (bookkeeping) [medium]: Migrate a stable release (v1.0) of SeisFlows 3 to

  • (stable) [hard]: Implement package-wide unit testing using pytest

  • (stable) [hard]: Implement integration testing using 2D example problems

  • (stable) [medium]: Outline and complete documentation.

  • (stable) [medium]: Complete package install using Conda.

  • (stable) [hard]: Complete and test Preprocess sub-module for:

    • Default

  • (stable) [hard]: Complete and test Solver sub-modules for:



  • (stable) [hard]: Complete and test System sub-modules for:

    • Chinook (UAF)

    • Local

    • Oakforest-PACS (JCAHPC)

  • (example) [hard]: SPECFEM2D examples following legacy SeisFlows example problems, on Local and HPC

  • (example) [hard]: SPECFEM3D examples following legacy SeisFlows example problem, HPC

  • (example) [easy]: Convert NZNorth example problem README to a .rst doc file.

  • (updates): Parameter File and parameter system

    • [easy]: Add a T0 parameter to the solver.base class to define when the SOLVER thinks time 0 is.

    • [easy-medium] Increased verbosity throughout the entire package, make it sing.

    • [hard]: Auto-fill available functions from Workflow module in the RESUME_FROM and STOP_AFTER docstrings

    • [easy]: PAR.SLURMARGS and PAR.ENVIRONS need to be set as empty strings, cannot be NoneType

    • [easy]: Attenuation needs to be set-able in parameter file, currently hard-coded on

    • [hard]: Add a SAVE_PREPROCESS option to save all files within the scratch/preprocess dir.

    • [medium] Add an ‘advanced’ flag to all parameters and a flag in the seisflows.configure() command to

    • [easy]: seisflows.setup() should stamp git version in the parameter file

  • (feature) [medium]: Copy SPECFEM output logs somewhere after each call to the solver, e.g., output_generate_databases.txt. Currently these are overwritten each time.

  • (blue-sky) [uber-hard]: Based on the modules, generate a flowchart showing each class and function that is called throughout the workflow, in order.