Extending the Codebase


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SeisFlows works on the object oriented programming principal of inheritance. See the inheritance page for background. This allows Users to extend the package to work with other systems and solvers, or modify its behavior to suit the problem at hand.

Overriding SeisFlows with your own subclass

If the existing modules of SeisFlows do not suit your needs, you may need to override them with your own sub classes. A common example of when you might need to do this is to override the system subclasses to tailor SeisFlows to your specific cluster.

In this example SeisFlows already contains a Slurm system module, and has overriding sub-classes for Slurm-derived systems including Chinook (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Maui (New Zealand eScience Infrastucture) and Frontera (Texas Advanced Computing Center). Any new Slurm systems will need write new subclasses to take advantage of the existing structure.

Below we provide some examples of editing existing SeisFlows modules for modified performance.

Writing your own Base class from scratch

Less likely, but also still a possibility, is that you will have to write your own Base class which defines foundational capabilities. One example of this is extending SeisFlows to interact with other numerical solvers. Currently SeisFlows is set up to work with SPECFEM2D/3D/3D_GLOBE. To allow Seisflows to work with other solvers, one would need to write a new Base class that defines SeisFlows’ interaction behavior with this solver.

Setting up ‘Cluster’ System sub-classes

In this section, we outline how various Cluster-derived System sub-classes are created. Although the tasks performed here will not translate one-to-one for other systems, we hope they serve as a roadmap for setting up SeisFlows on other HPC systems.

Because many HPC systems have their own unique caveats, it is standard practice to trial and error our way into a working sub-class.


It is assumed that SeisFlows has been installed with the pip install -e . command (develop mode). This ensures that any changes to the codebase are immediately propagated into the SeisFlows executable.

University of Alaska Fairbanks ‘Chinook’

Chinook is University of Alaska Fairbank’s high performance computer. At the time of writing (Aug. 24, 2022), it is running CentOS 6.10 and the SLURM workload manager.

Because Chinook is a SLURM-based system, we can derive our ‘Chinook’ class based on the SLURM system class. In seisflows/system we create a new Python file called ‘chinook.py’, which has a base template of:

from seisflows.system.slurm import Slurm

class Chinook(Slurm):
    Chinook System - UAF SLURM-based HPC



    __doc__ == Slurm.__doc__ + __doc__

    def __init__(self):
        """Chinook intitiation"""

The above code snippet is boilerplate code for any new SeisFlows class. We can see that Chinook inherits base functionalities from Slurm, it defines some boilerplate class docstring and appends it’s docstring to the Slurm class (required by seisflows configure), and inherits the SLURM startup procedure defined in __init__.


Because of an outdated operating system, we cannot run the SeisFlows directly from Chinook’s Conda installation. We therefore have to containerize the codebase and run SeisFlows through ‘Singularity/Apptainer’.

We can now set up a TestFlow workflow to see how the Chinook implementation differs from the bog-standard SLURM impementation.

mkdir ${CENTER1}/scratch  # CENTER1 is the Chinook work filesystem
cd ${CENTER1}/scratch
seisflows setup  # create the parameters.yaml file
# Set the core SeisFlows modules
seisflows par workflow test_flow
seisflows par system chinook
seisflows par solver null
seisflows par preprocess null
seisflows par optimize null

seisflows configure  # set up the remainder of the parameter file