Working Directory

SeisFlows sets it’s own working directory when executing a workflow. Below we explore the working directory set up by the SPECFEM2D-workstation example. Working directories may change slightly depending on the chosen workflow, but will more or less follow the same structure.

NOTE: The two SPECFEM2D directories listed below (specfem2d/ & specfem2d_workdir/) are not part of a standard SeisFlows working directory.

cd /home/bchow/Work/scratch
logs        parameters.yaml  sflog.txt    specfem2d
output      scratch          sfstate.txt  specfem2d_workdir


The active working directory of SeisFlows where all of the heavy lifting takes place. Each module in the SeisFlows package may have it’s own sub-directory where it stores temporary work data. Additionally, we have two eval*/ directories where objective function evaluation (eval_func) and gradient evaluation (eval_grad) files are stored.

ls scratch
eval_func  eval_grad  optimize      preprocess  solver  system


As suggested by the name, the scratch/ directory is not for permanent storage, and any data contained within is liable to be changed or removed throughout the workflow. Permanent data storage takes place in the output/ directory.


A collection of event-specific directories (one directory per event), each of which is a self contained SPECFEM run directory (i.e., they contain all the necessary files to run SPECFEM binaries within).


The first (alphabetically) solver in this directory is symlinked as the mainsolver. The mainsolver is used to run single-process functions (e.g., gradient smoothing). The mainsolver is also useful for scripting, as the name of the first event may be different from workflow to workflow, so mainsolver provides a consistent entry point into the solver subdirectories.

ls scratch/solver
001  002  003  mainsolver
ls scratch/solver/mainsolver
adj_solver.log      combine_vs.log  fwd_solver.log  SEM
bin         DATA            kernel_paths    traces
combine_vp.log      fwd_mesher.log  OUTPUT_FILES


Each solver directory is constructed by copying the PATH.SPECFEM_BIN and PATH.SPECFEM_DATA directories into each sub-directory. The user must ensure that these directories do not contain large files (e.g., waveform data, large tomography files), otherwise these will be copied N times, where N is the number of events in your workflow. This can quickly run up against storage issues.

The bin/, DATA/ and OUTPUT_FILES/ directories are the same as those found in SPECFEM. The SEM file defines the locations of the adjoint sources, which is dictated by SPECFEM. The traces/ directory contains all of the output waveforms required by this event. They are separated into observed (obs), synthetic (syn) and adjoint (adj) waveforms.

ls scratch/solver/mainsolver/traces
adj  obs  syn
ls scratch/solver/mainsolver/traces/obs
# These waveforms are saved into a two-column ASCII format
tail scratch/solver/mainsolver/traces/obs/AA.S0001.BXY.semd
251.39999999999998         -1.1814422395268879E-005
251.45999999999998         -1.1800275583562581E-005
251.51999999999998         -1.1769315129746346E-005
251.57999999999998         -1.1721248953632887E-005
251.63999999999999         -1.1655830825336088E-005
251.69999999999999         -1.1572872866742356E-005
251.75999999999999         -1.1472248505521453E-005
251.81999999999999         -1.1353902449899163E-005
251.88000000000000         -1.1217847351013855E-005
251.94000000000000         -1.1064166223014224E-005


Values relating to the optimization algorithm. These variables define model vectors, misfits, gradient directions and search directions. Optimization vectors are stored as NumPy arrays and tagged with the .npy suffix. Optimization scalars are stored as text files and tagged with the .txt suffix.

Optimization Variable Names are described as:

  • m_new: current model vector

  • m_old: previous model vector

  • m_try: line search model vector

  • f_new: current objective function value

  • f_old: previous objective function value

  • f_try: line search function value

  • g_new: current gradient direction vector

  • g_old: previous gradient direction vector

  • p_new: current search direction vector

  • p_old: previous search direction vector

ls scratch/optimize
alpha.txt   f_new.txt  f_try.txt  m_new.npz  output_optim.txt
checkpoint.npz      f_old.txt  g_old.npz  m_old.npz  p_old.npz
import numpy as np
m_new = np.load("scratch/optimize/m_new.npz")
[[3500.0027437  3499.99441921 3499.90777902 ... 3499.77655378
  3499.9021825  3499.99078301]]
cat scratch/optimize/f_new.txt

The ‘checkpoint.npz’ file contains information about the state of the line search (controlled by the Optimization module). It is used to resume failed or stopped line searches with minimal redundant use of computational resources.

line_search = np.load("scratch/optimize/checkpoint.npz")


print("step count: ", line_search["step_count"])
print("step lengths: ", line_search["step_lens"])
print("misfit: ", line_search["func_vals"])
['restarted', 'func_vals', 'step_lens', 'gtg', 'gtp', 'step_count']
step count:  0
step lengths:  [0.00000000e+00 2.32268310e+09 3.75818023e+09 1.59087505e+09
misfit:  [0.00127902 0.00086452 0.00172904 0.00259356 0.00345808]

eval_func/ & eval_grad/

Scratch directories containing objective function evaluation and gradient evaluation files. These include (1) the current model being used for misfit evaluation, and (2) a residual file which defines the misfit for each event. eval_grad/ also contains kernels which define per-event kernels which are summed and manipulated with the postprocess module.

ls scratch/eval_func
ls scratch/eval_grad
model  residuals.txt

gradient  kernels  misfit_kernel  model  residuals.txt
cat scratch/eval_grad/residuals.txt
ls scratch/eval_grad/kernels
001  002  003
ls scratch/eval_grad/kernels/001
proc000000_bulk_beta_kernel.bin  proc000000_rhop_kernel.bin
proc000000_bulk_c_kernel.bin         proc000000_vp_kernel.bin
proc000000_kappa_kernel.bin  proc000000_vs_kernel.bin
proc000000_mu_kernel.bin     proc000000_weights_kernel.bin

system & preprocess

These two directories are empty in our example problem, but are catch-all directories where module-specific files can be output. If you are extending SeisFlows with other base or subclasses, it is preferable to adhere to this structure where each module only interacts with it’s own directory.

When Pyaflowa is chosen as the preprocess module, it stores figures, log files, and data (in ASDFDataSets) within its scratch directory. It also specifies parameters for exporting these scratch files to disk for more permanent storage.


Output files to be permanently saved (e.g., models, graidents, traces) can be located in this directory. These are tagged in ascending order. Because we did not run the finalization task in our SPECFEM2D problem, the output directory only contains our initial model.

ls output
ls output/MODEL_INIT
proc000000_vp.bin  proc000000_vs.bin


Where any text logs are stored. If running on a cluster, all submitted jobs will be instructed to write their logs into this directory. Additionally, if a workflow is resumed (previous log files exist in the other directory) copies are saved to this directory.

ls logs
0001_00.log  0002_02.log  0004_01.log  0006_00.log      parameters_002.yaml
0001_01.log  0003_00.log  0004_02.log  0006_01.log      parameters_003.yaml
0001_02.log  0003_01.log  0005_00.log  0006_02.log      sflog_001.txt
0002_00.log  0003_02.log  0005_01.log  0007_00.log      sflog_002.txt
0002_01.log  0004_00.log  0005_02.log  parameters_001.yaml  sflog_003.txt


The main log file for SeisFlows, where all log statements written to stdout are recorded during a workflow. Allows a user to come back to a workflow and understand the tasks completed and any important information collected during the workflow

head -50 sflog.txt
2022-08-16 14:32:48 (I) |
                         SETTING UP INVERSION WORKFLOW
2022-08-16 14:32:55 (D) | running setup for module 'system.Workstation'
2022-08-16 14:32:57 (D) | copying par/log file to: /home/bchow/Work/scratch/logs/sflog_001.txt
2022-08-16 14:32:57 (D) | copying par/log file to: /home/bchow/Work/scratch/logs/parameters_001.yaml
2022-08-16 14:32:57 (D) | running setup for module 'solver.Specfem2D'
2022-08-16 14:32:57 (I) | initializing 3 solver directories
2022-08-16 14:32:57 (D) | initializing solver directory source: 001
2022-08-16 14:33:04 (D) | linking source '001' as 'mainsolver'
2022-08-16 14:33:04 (D) | initializing solver directory source: 002
2022-08-16 14:33:09 (D) | initializing solver directory source: 003
2022-08-16 14:33:16 (D) | running setup for module 'preprocess.Default'
2022-08-16 14:33:16 (D) | running setup for module 'optimize.Gradient'
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | no optimization checkpoint found, assuming first run
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | re-loading optimization module from checkpoint
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) |
                              RUNNING ITERATION 01
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) |
                           RUNNING INVERSION WORKFLOW
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) |
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | checking initial model parameters
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | 5800.00 <= vp <= 5800.00
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | 2600.00 <= rho <= 2600.00
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | 3500.00 <= vs <= 3500.00
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | checking true/target model parameters
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | 5900.00 <= vp <= 5900.00
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | 2600.00 <= rho <= 2600.00
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | 3550.00 <= vs <= 3550.00
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | preparing observation data for source 001
2022-08-16 14:33:17 (I) | running forward simulation w/ target model for 001
2022-08-16 14:33:21 (I) | evaluating objective function for source 001
2022-08-16 14:33:21 (D) | running forward simulation with 'Specfem2D'
2022-08-16 14:33:25 (D) | quantifying misfit with 'Default'
2022-08-16 14:33:25 (I) | preparing observation data for source 002
2022-08-16 14:33:25 (I) | running forward simulation w/ target model for 002
2022-08-16 14:33:29 (I) | evaluating objective function for source 002
2022-08-16 14:33:29 (D) | running forward simulation with 'Specfem2D'
2022-08-16 14:33:33 (D) | quantifying misfit with 'Default'
2022-08-16 14:33:33 (I) | preparing observation data for source 003
2022-08-16 14:33:33 (I) | running forward simulation w/ target model for 003
2022-08-16 14:33:36 (I) | evaluating objective function for source 003


A state file which tracks the progress of a workflow, allowing the User to quickly resumed stopped or failed workflows without wasting computational resources. The State file simply contains the names of functions contained in the Workflow task list, as well as their respective status, which can be ‘completed’, ‘failed’, or not available.

cat sfstate.txt
# SeisFlows State File
# Tue Aug 16 14:33:17 2022
# Acceptable states: 'completed', 'failed'
# =======================================
evaluate_initial_misfit: completed
run_adjoint_simulations: completed
postprocess_event_kernels: completed
evaluate_gradient_from_kernels: completed
initialize_line_search: completed
perform_line_search: completed
iteration: 1

When submitting a workflow with an existing state file, the workflow will check the status of each function. ‘Completed’ functions will be skipped over. ‘Failed’ functions will be re-run. Users can delete lines from the state file or change status’ manually to re-run tasks within the list, taking care about the current configuration of the working directory, which is intrinsically tied to the task list.

For ‘Inversion’ workflows, the current ‘Iteration’ is also saved, meaning re-submitted workflows will start at the previously checkpointed iteration.