
Gradient descent nonlinear optimization algorithm. Acts as the Base class for optimization.

The Optimization library contains classes and methods used to solve nonlinear optimization problems, i.e., misfit minimization. Various subclasses implement different optimization algorithms.


To reduce memory overhead, and to enable optimization restarts due to failed line searches, model/gradient vectors and line search history are passed on disk rather than in memory.


The default numerical parameters for each algorithm should work well for a range of applications without manual tuning. If the nonlinear optimization procedure stagnates, it may be due to issues involving:

  1. poor data quality

  2. choice of objective function

  3. data processing parameters (i.e., filter bandpass)

  4. regularization methods

Problems in any of these areas usually manifest themselves through stagnation of the nonlinear optimizationalgorithm.

Module Contents



Gradient Optimization

class seisflows.optimize.gradient.Gradient(line_search_method='bracket', preconditioner=None, step_count_max=10, step_len_init=0.05, step_len_max=0.5, workdir=os.getcwd(), path_optimize=None, path_output=None, path_preconditioner=None, **kwargs)

Gradient Optimization

Defines foundational structure for Optimization module. Applies a gradient/steepest descent optimization algorithm.


type line_search_method


param line_search_method

chosen line_search algorithm. Currently available are ‘bracket’ and ‘backtrack’. See seisflows.plugins.line_search for all available options

type preconditioner


param preconditioner

algorithm for preconditioning gradients. Currently available: ‘diagonal’. Requires path_preconditioner to point to a set of files that define the preconditioner, formatted the same as the input model

type step_count_max


param step_count_max

maximum number of trial steps to perform during the line search before a change in line search behavior is considered, or a line search is considered to have failed.

type step_len_init


param step_len_init

initial line search step length guess, provided as a fraction of current model parameters.

type step_len_max


param step_len_max

maximum allowable step length during the line search. Set as a fraction of the current model parameters


type path_preconditioner


param path_preconditioner

optional path to a set of preconditioner files formatted the same as the input model (or output model of solver). Required to exist and contain files if `preconditioner`==True


property step_count

Convenience property to access step_count from line search


Checks parameters, paths, and dependencies


Sets up nonlinear optimization machinery


Convenience function to access the full paths of model and gradient vectors that are saved to disk


Model, gradient and misfit vectors are named as follows: m_new: current model m_old: previous model m_try: line search model f_new: current objective function value f_old: previous objective function value f_try: line search function value g_new: current gradient direction g_old: previous gradient direction p_new: current search direction p_old: previous search direction alpha: trial search direction (aka p_try)


name (str) – name of the vector, acceptable: m, g, p, f, alpha

save_vector(name, m)

Convenience function to save/overwrite vectors on disk

  • name (str) – name of the vector to overwrite

  • m ( or float) – Model to save to disk as npz array


The optimization module (and its underlying line_search attribute) requires continuity across runs of the same workflow (e.g., in the event of a failed job). This function saves internal attributes of the optimization module to disk so that a resumed workflow does not lose information from its previous version.

User can checkpoint other variables by adding kwargs


Counterpart to optimize.checkpoint. Loads a checkpointed optimization module from disk and sets internal tracking attributes.


Apply available preconditioner to a given gradient


q (np.array) – Vector to precondition, typically gradient contained in: g_new

Return type



preconditioned vector


Computes steepest descent search direction (inverse gradient) with an optional user-defined preconditioner.


Other optimization algorithms must overload this method

Return type


search direction as a Model instance

Generate a trial model by perturbing the current model in the search direction with a given step length, calculated by the chosen line search algorithm.

Return type



(Model, float) or (m_try==trial model, alpha=step length)

Updates line search status and step length after a forward simulation has been run and misfit calculated. Checks misfit against line search history to see if the line search has been completed.


This is a bit confusing as it calculates the step length alpha for the NEXT line search step, while storing the alpha value that was calculated from the LAST line search step. This is because we need a corresponding misfit f_try from the value of alpha, which happens externally with the solver module

If line search returns a passing exit code (0 or 1), sets up for a subsequent line search evaluation by saving a new step length (alpha), and creating a new trial model (m_try).

Return type



(Model, float, bool) or (m_try==trial model, alpha=step length, status==how to proceed with line search)

Prepares algorithm machinery and scratch directory for next model update

Removes old model/search parameters, moves current parameters to old, sets up new current parameters and writes statistic outputs


After a failed line search, this determines if restart is worthwhile by checking, in effect, if the search direction was the same as the negative gradientdirection.

Essentially checking if this is a steepest-descent optimization, which cannot and should not be restarted. If the search direction is calc’ed by another optimization schema, the search direction and gradient should differ


threshold (float) – angle threshold for the angle between the search direction and the gradient.

Return type



pass (True) fail (False) status for retrying line search


Restarts nonlinear optimization algorithm for any schema that is NOT steepest descent (default base class).

Keeps current position in model space, but discards history of nonlinear optimization algorithm in an attempt to recover from numerical stagnation.


steepest descent optimization algorithm does not have any restart capabilities. This function is instantiated here to be overwritten by child classes


Simplified write function to append values to text files. Used because stats line search information can be overwritten by subsequent iterations so we need to append values to text files if they should be retained.


This CSV file can be easily read and plotted using np.genfromtxt >>> np.genfromtxt(“optim_stats.txt”, delimiter=”,”, names=True, dtype=None)