
A bracketing line search (a.k.a direct line search) attempts to find an appropriate step length by identifying two points between which the minimum misfit lies. Contains some functionality for saving line search history to disk so that a line search may be resumed in the case of a failure/reset.


Line search is called on by the optimization procedure and should not really have any agency (i.e. it should not be able to iterate its own step count etc., this should be completely left to the optimization algorithm to keep everything in one place)

Module Contents



[line_search.bracket] The bracketing line search identifies two points


_check_bracket(step_lens, func_vals)

Checks if minimum has been bracketed

_good_enough(step_lens, func_vals[, thresh])

Checks if step length is reasonably close to quadratic estimate

class seisflows.plugins.line_search.bracket.Bracket(step_count_max, step_len_max, path=None)

[line_search.bracket] The bracketing line search identifies two points between which the minimum misfit lies between.

  • step_count_max (int) – maximum number of step counts before changing line search behavior. set by PAR.STEP_COUNT_MAX

  • step_len_max (int) – maximum length of the step, defaults to infinity, that is unbounded step length. set by PAR.STEP_LEN_MAX

update_search_history(func_val, step_len, gtg=None, gtp=None)

Update the internal list of search history attributes. Lists like func_vals get appended to, while values like step_count are overwritten. Allowed to increment func_val and step_len by themselves


Clears internal line search history for a new line search attempt


Since the line search is just a wrapper for list of numbers, check that search history hasn’t been muddled up by ensuring that internal lists are the correct length for the given evaluation


A convenience function, collects information based on the current evaluation of the line search, needed to determine search status and calculate step length. From the full collection of the search history, only returns values relevant to the current line search.


sort (bool) – sort the search history by step length

Rtype x


Return x

list of step lenths from current line search

Rtype f


Return f

correpsonding list of function values

Rtype gtg


Return gtg

dot product dot product of gradient with itself

Rtype gtp


Return gtp

dot product of gradient and search direction

Rtype i


Return i


Rtype j


Return j

number of iterations corresponding to 0 step length, i.e., the update count

_print_stats(x, f)

Print out misfit values and step lengths to the logger


Determines step length (alpha) and search status (status) using a bracketing line search. Evaluates Wolfe conditions to determine if a step length is acceptable.

Return type

tuple (float, str)


(alpha==calculated step length, status==how to treat the next step count evaluation)

seisflows.plugins.line_search.bracket._check_bracket(step_lens, func_vals)

Checks if minimum has been bracketed

Looks at the minimum of the misfit values calculated through eval func to see if the misfit has been reduced w.r.t the initial misfit

  • step_lens (numpy.array) – an array of the step lengths taken during iteration

  • func_vals (numpy.array) – array of misfit values from eval func function

Return type



status of function as a bool

seisflows.plugins.line_search.bracket._good_enough(step_lens, func_vals, thresh=np.log10(1.2))

Checks if step length is reasonably close to quadratic estimate

  • step_lens (np.array) – an array of the step lengths taken during iteration

  • func_vals (np.array) – array of misfit values from eval func function

  • thresh (numpy.float64) – threshold value for comparison against quadratic estimate

Return type



status of function as a bool