
Chinook is the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) high performance computer, operated by the Geophysical Institute’s Research Computing Systems (RCS). Chinook operates on a SLURM workload manager and therefore overloads the SLURM System module. Chinook-specific parameters and functions are defined here.

Information on Chinook can be found here:

Module Contents



System Chinook

class seisflows.system.chinook.Chinook(mpiexec='mpiexec', partition='t1small', submit_to=None, **kwargs)

Bases: seisflows.system.slurm.Slurm

System Chinook

University of Alaska Fairbanks HPC Chinook, SLURM based system


type partition


param partition

Chinook has various partitions which each have their own number of cores per compute node. Available are: analysis, t1small, t2small, t1standard, t2standard, gpu

type submit_to


param submit_to

(Optional) partition to submit the main/master job which is a serial Python task that controls the workflow. Likely this should go on ‘debug’ for small jobs or ‘t1small’ for mid-to-large jobs. If not given, defaults to partition.



property submit_call_header

The submit call defines the SBATCH header which is used to submit a workflow task list to the system. It is usually dictated by the system’s required parameters, such as account names and partitions. Submit calls are modified and called by the submit function.


Force the partition to run on ‘Debug’ since we are only running a single core job. This may run into walltime problems but for now it seems more economincal to enforce this

Return type



the system-dependent portion of a submit call

property run_call_header

The run call defines the SBATCH header which is used to run tasks during an executing workflow. Like the submit call its arguments are dictated by the given system. Run calls are modified and called by the run function

Return type



the system-dependent portion of a run call
