
Maui is a New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) high performance computer. Maui operates on a SLURM workload manager and therefore overloads the SLURM System module. Maui-specific parameters and functions are defined here.

Information on Maui can be found here:


Python and conda capabilities are NOT accessible from Maui, these capabilities have been shifted onto a separate cluster: Maui ancil This subclass therefore moves all Python dependent capabilities (i.e., SeisFlows3, Pyatoa) onto the ancilary cluster.

See also: 360000203776-M%C4%81ui-Ancillary-Nodes

Module Contents



System Maui

class seisflows.system.maui.Maui(account=None, cpus_per_task=1, cluster='maui', partition='nesi_research', ancil_cluster='maui_ancil', ancil_partition='nesi_prepost', ancil_tasktime=1, **kwargs)

Bases: seisflows.system.slurm.Slurm

System Maui

New Zealand Maui-specfic modifications to base SLURM system


type account


param account

Maui account to submit jobs under, will be used for the ‘–account’ sbatch argument

type cpus_per_task


param cpus_per_task

allow for multiple cpus per task, i.e,. multithreaded jobs

type cluster


param cluster

cluster to submit jobs to. Available are Maui and Mahuika

type partition


param partition

partition of the cluster to submit jobs to.

type ancil_cluster


param ancil_cluster

name of the ancilary cluster used for pre- post-processing tasks.

type ancil_partition

name of the partition of the ancilary cluster

type ancil_tasktime


param ancil_tasktime

Tasktime in minutes for pre and post-processing jobs submitted to Maui ancil.



property submit_call_header

The submit call defines the SBATCH header which is used to submit a workflow task list to the system. It is usually dictated by the system’s required parameters, such as account names and partitions. Submit calls are modified and called by the submit function.


The master job must be run on maui_ancil because Maui does not have the ability to run the command “sacct”, nor can it not have the ability to run the command “sacct”, nor can it use the Conda environment that has been set by Ancil


We do not place SLURMARGS into the sbatch command to avoid the export=None which will not propagate the conda environment

Return type



the system-dependent portion of a submit call

property run_call_header

The run call defines the SBATCH header which is used to run tasks during an executing workflow. Like the submit call its arguments are dictated by the given system. Run calls are modified and called by the run function

Return type



the system-dependent portion of a run call

property ancil_run_call_header

A modified form of run_call which is used to run jobs on the Ancil pre/postprocessing cluster of Maui. This is used to run Pyaflowa jobs which require the Conda environment active on Maui Ancil.


Checks parameters and paths