A Model class for interfacing with SPECFEM velocity models, used to read models into memory, manipulate and write to disk. Also contains plotting functions for SPECFEM2D models

Module Contents



A container for reading, storing and manipulating model/gradient/kernel

class, fmt='', parameters=None, regions='123', flavor=None)

A container for reading, storing and manipulating model/gradient/kernel parameters from SPECFEM2D/3D/3D_GLOBE. Stores metadata information alongside model data allowing models to be converted to back and forth between vector representations required by the optimization library. Also contains utility functions to read/write itself so that models can be saved alongside their metadata.

property parameters

Returns a list of parameters which defines the model.

property ngll

Provide the number of GLL (Gauss Lobatto Legendre) points per processor chunk. Access hidden attribute _ngll in the case that the model is very large, we only want to count the GLL points once.

Return type

list of float


each float represents the number of GLL points for the chunk number that corresponds to its index

property nproc

Returns the number of processors that define the model/gradient/kernel.

Return type



number of processors that define the model

property vector

Conveience property to access the merge() function which creates a linear vector defining all model parameters

Return type



a linear vector of all model parameters

acceptable_parameters = ['vp', 'vs', 'rho', 'vpv', 'vph', 'vsv', 'vsh', 'eta']
fnfmt(i='*', val='*', ext='*')

Expected SPECFEM filename format with some checks to ensure that wildcards and numbers are accepted. An example filename is: ‘proc000001_vs.bin’

  • i (int or str) – processor number or wildcard. If given as an integer, will be converted to a 6 digit zero-leading value to match SPECFEM format

  • val (str) – parameter value (e.g., ‘vs’) or wildcard

  • ext (str) – the file format (e.g., ‘.bin’). If NOT preceded by a ‘.’ will have one prepended

Return type



filename formatter for use in model manipulation


Convenience function to count NGLL points as length of data arrays for each parameter processor chunk


Returns a deep copy of self so that models can be transferred


Utility function to load in SPECFEM models/kernels/gradients saved in various formats. Will try to guess format of model. Assumes that models are saved using the following filename format:

proc{num}_{val}.{format} where num is usually a 6 digit number representing the processor number (e.g., 000000), val is the parameter value of the model/kernel/gradient and format is the format of the file (e.g., bin)


parameters (list of str) – unique parameters to load model for, if None will load all available parameters found in path

Return type

Dict of np arrays


Dictionary where keys correspond to model parameters and values are vectors (np.arrays) representing the model


Attempt to read coordinate files from the given model definition. This is only really useful for SPECFEM2D, where we can plot the model, kernel and gradient using matplotlib.

Return type



a dictioanary with the X and Z coordinates read in from a SPECFEM2D model, if applicable


Convert dictionary representation model to vector representation m where all parameters and processors are stored as a single 1D vector. This vector representation is used by the optimization library during model perturbation.


parameter (str) – single parameter to retrieve model vector from, otherwise returns all parameters merged into single vector

Return type



vector representation of the model

write(path, fmt=None)

Save a SPECFEM model/gradient/kernel vector loaded into memory back to disk in the appropriate format expected by SPECFEM


Converts internal vector representation m to dictionary representation model. Does this by separating the vector based on how it was constructed, parameter-wise and processor-wise


vector (np.array) – allow Model to split an input vector. If none given, will split the internal vector representation

Return type

Dict of np.array


dictionary of model parameters split up by number of processors

check(min_pr=-1.0, max_pr=0.5)

Checks parameters in the model. If Vs and Vp present, checks poissons ratio. Checks for negative velocity values. And prints out model min/max values

_check_2d3d_parameters(min_pr=-1.0, max_pr=0.5)

Checks parameters for SPECFEM2D and SPECFEM3D derived models

_check_3dglobe_parameters(min_pr=-1.0, max_pr=0.5)

Checks parameters for SPECFEM3D_GLOBE derived models


Save instance attributes (model, vector, metadata) to disk as an .npz array so that it can be loaded in at a later time for future use


Load in a previously saved .npz file containing model information and re-create a Model instance matching the one that was `save`d


file (str) – .npz file to load data from. Must have been created by

Return type

tuple (Dict, list, str)


(Model Dictionary, ngll points for each slice, file format)


Load in a previously saved .npz file containing model information and re-create a Model instance matching the one that was `save`d


file (str) – .npz file to load data from. Must have been created by

Return type

tuple (Dict, list, str)


(Model Dictionary, ngll points for each slice, file format)

update(model=None, vector=None)

Update internal model/vector defitions. Because these two quantities are tied to one another, updating one will update the other. This function simply makes that easier.

plot2d(parameter, cmap=None, show=True, title='', save=None)

Plot internal model parameters as a 2D image plot.


This is only available for SPECFEM2D models. SPECFEM3D model coordinates do not match the model vectors (because the grids are irregular) and cannot be visualized like this.

  • parameter (str) – chosen internal parameter value to plot.

  • cmap (str) – colormap which match available matplotlib colormap. If None, will choose default colormap based on parameter choice.

  • show (bool) – show the figure after plotting

  • title (str) – optional title to prepend to some values that are provided by default. Useful for adding information about iteration, step count etc.

  • save (str) – if not None, full path to figure to save the output image


Get the number of processors and the available parameters from a list of output SPECFEM model files.

Return type

tuple (int, list)


(number of processors, list of available parameters in dir)


Guess the file format of model/kernel/gradient files if none provided by the user. Does so by checking file formats against formats expected from SPECFEM2D/3D/3D_GLOBE

Return type



file format suffix with a leading ‘.’ e.g., ‘.bin’


Guess if SPECFEM2D/3D/3D_GLOBE was used to generate the model based on the format of the file. Check based on unique available files or properties

Return type



SPECFEM flavor, one of [‘2D’, ‘3D’, ‘3DGLOBE’]


Load Fortran binary models into disk. This is the preferred model format for SeisFlows <-> SPECFEM interaction


parameter (str) – chosen parameter to load model for

Return type



vector of model values for given parameter

abstract _read_model_adios(parameter)

Load ADIOS models into disk


parameter (str) – chosen parameter to load model for

Return type



vector of model values for given parameter


Load ASCII SPECFEM2D models into disk. ASCII models are generally saved all in a single file with all parameters together as a N column ASCII file where columns 1 and 2 are the coordinates of the mesh, and the remainder columns are data corresponding to the filenames e.g., proc000000_rho_vp_vs.dat, rho is column 3, vp is 4 etc.


parameter (str) – chosen parameter to load model for

Return type



vector of model values for given parameter


Save a SPECFEM model back to Fortran binary format. Data are written as single precision floating point numbers


FORTRAN unformatted binaries are bounded by an INT*4 byte count. This function mimics that behavior by tacking on the boundary data as ‘int32’ at the top and bottom of the data array.