
The simplest simulation workflow you can run is a large number of forward simulations to generate synthetics from a velocity model. Therefore the Forward class represents the BASE workflow. All other workflows will build off of the scaffolding defined by the Forward class.

Module Contents



Forward Workflow

class seisflows.workflow.forward.Forward(modules=None, data_case='data', stop_after=None, export_traces=False, export_residuals=False, workdir=os.getcwd(), path_output=None, path_data=None, path_state_file=None, path_model_init=None, path_model_true=None, path_eval_grad=None, **kwargs)

Forward Workflow

Defines foundational structure for Workflow module. When used standalone is in charge of running forward solver in parallel and (optionally) calculating data-synthetic misfit and adjoint sources.


type modules

list of module

param modules

instantiated SeisFlows modules which should have been generated by the function seisflows.config.import_seisflows with a parameter file generated by seisflows.configure

type data_case


param data_case

How to address ‘data’ in the workflow, available options: ‘data’: real data will be provided by the user in path_data/{source_name} in the same format that the solver will produce synthetics (controlled by solver.format) OR synthetic’: ‘data’ will be generated as synthetic seismograms using a target model provided in path_model_true. If None, workflow will not attempt to generate data.

type stop_after


param stop_after

optional name of task in task list (use seisflows print tasks to get task list for given workflow) to stop workflow after, allowing user to prematurely stop a workflow to explore intermediate results or debug.

type export_traces


param export_traces

export all waveforms that are generated by the external solver to path_output. If False, solver traces stored in scratch may be discarded at any time in the workflow

type export_residuals


param export_residuals

export all residuals (data-synthetic misfit) that are generated by the external solver to path_output. If False, residuals stored in scratch may be discarded at any time in the workflow


type workdir


param workdir

working directory in which to perform a SeisFlows workflow. SeisFlows internal directory structure will be created here. Default cwd

type path_output


param path_output

path to directory used for permanent storage on disk. Results and exported scratch files are saved here.

type path_data


param path_data

path to any externally stored data required by the solver

type path_state_file


param path_state_file

path to a text file used to track the current status of a workflow (i.e., what functions have already been completed), used for checkpointing and resuming workflows

type path_model_init


param path_model_init

path to the starting model used to calculate the initial misfit. Must match the expected solver_io format.

type path_model_true


param path_model_true

path to a target model if `case`==’synthetic’ and a set of synthetic ‘observations’ are required for workflow.

type path_eval_grad


param path_eval_grad

scratch path to store files for gradient evaluation, including models, kernels, gradient and residuals.


property task_list

USER-DEFINED TASK LIST. This property defines a list of class methods that take NO INPUT and have NO RETURN STATEMENTS. This defines your linear workflow, i.e., these tasks are to be run in order from start to finish to complete a workflow.

This excludes ‘check’ (which is run during ‘import_seisflows’) and ‘setup’ which should be run separately


For workflows that require an iterative approach (e.g. inversion), this task list will be looped over, so ensure that any setup and teardown tasks (run once per workflow, not once per iteration) are not included.

Return type



list of methods to call in order during a workflow


Check that workflow has required modules. Run their respective checks


Assigns modules as attributes of the workflow. I.e., self.solver to access the solver module (or workflow.solver from outside class)

Makes required path structure for the workflow, runs setup functions for all the required modules of this workflow.


Saves active SeisFlows working state to disk as a text files such that the workflow can be resumed following a crash, pause or termination of workflow.


Call the Task List in order to ‘run’ the workflow. Contains logic for to keep track of completed tasks and avoids re-running tasks that have previously been completed (e.g., if you are restarting your workflow)


Evaluate the initial model misfit. This requires setting up ‘data’ before generating synthetics, which is either copied from user-supplied directory or running forward simulations with a target model. Forward simulations are then run and prepocessing compares data-synthetic misfit


This is run altogether on system to save on queue time waits, because we are potentially running two simulations back to back.


Determines how to provide data to each of the solvers. Either by copying data in from a user-provided path, or generating synthetic ‘data’ using a target model.


Must be run by so that solvers are assigned individual task ids and working directories

run_forward_simulations(path_model, **kwargs)

Performs forward simulation for a single given event.


if PAR.PREPROCESS == None, will not perform misfit quantification


Must be run by so that solvers are assigned individual task ids/ working directories.

evaluate_objective_function(save_residuals=False, **kwargs)

Uses the preprocess module to evaluate the misfit/objective function given synthetics generated during forward simulations


Must be run by so that solvers are assigned individual task ids/ working directories.