
This is a SeisFlows Test workflow class which is used to test out the underlying machinery for a given set of modules, before submitting a full workflow. Used for debugging and development, as well as ensuring that SeisFlows is in working order before committing a large number of compute resources.

Module Contents



TestFlow Workflow

class seisflows.workflow.test_flow.TestFlow(modules=None, workdir=os.getcwd(), path_output=None, **kwargs)

TestFlow Workflow

Test individual sub-modules in a ‘live’ testing environment in order to ensure SeisFlows works appropriately given an established system and solver.


You do not need to set System parameters ntask, nproc, tasktime, walltime. These will be overwritten by the setup task.



type workdir


param workdir

working directory in which to perform a SeisFlows workflow. SeisFlows internal directory structure will be created here. Default cwd

type path_output


param path_output

path to directory used for permanent storage on disk. Results and expored scratch files are saved here.


property task_list

A task list which includes tests for most of the modules depending on whether they’re included in the module list or not.


Run check functions for all underlying modules


Creates required directory structure


Run through the task list which should consist of various test functions which are meant to ensure SeisFlows works in a live working environment without committing a large number of resources


Use the system to run a simple print function which names the currently running task id to check that task id printing works. Check that the output log messages show the correct task id and log statement


Simple wait function to be called by system run, used to test job status check function which monitors job queue. Throw in a job failure at the end of the function to check that system exit works